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Cause and effect essay on exercise

Cause and effect essay on exercise

cause and effect essay on exercise

Cause and Effect of Exercising Exercising is one of the greatest health benefits known to man. Exercising goes back into the early ages of the earth. Without exercise back in the past, humans would be completely out of shape A regular exercise regimen will not only burn more calories, “but it also releases endorphins, which lower cortisol levels and improve your feelings of well-being. In addition, exercise increases testosterone by adding muscle mass, taking your libido to new heights and improving your body image” says Dr. Laura Berman ESL Brainstorming Exercises and Worksheets. Cause/effect writing involves understanding the logic of cause and effect. It also requires a knowledge of the expressions and vocabulary used to express causes and effects. Cause/effect transitions are an important component of academic writing

Cause and Effect of Exercise Essay | Examples & Papers

Browse the database of more than essays donated by our community members! Exercise can lead to many different results in the human body. Most every result can lead to a positive one for an individual.

When exercising it is important to know what your body can handle without overdoing it in order to get a positive result. There are many types of work out programs available such as going to the gym and training, walking with the family dog, or even working out at home using a DVD program.

Exercising is very important for cause and effect essay on exercise reasons. Exercising can lead to positive results including a healthier heart, a healthier body, and a better state of mind. First of all, when a person begins exercising it immediately starts working their heart.

Since the blood flow is increasing it causes more oxygen to be carried throughout the body. All of these can result in a stronger and healthier heart due to working out. deadline 6 hours Writers : ESL Refund : Yes. deadline 3 hours Writers : ESL, ENL Refund : Yes. Payment methods: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover.

Another positive result due to a person exercising is having a better state of mind. A person with a better state of mind is less likely to become depressed as opposed to someone who does not work out.

This is because working out can lead to a better self-image. When people are happy with their self-image they are less likely to be upset about the way they feel. Working out can also relieve stress and tension which is another positive result due to working out and having a better state of mind. The final result that can happen to a person from working out and exercising is developing a healthier body. By working the muscles it helps the joints to be able to move better as well.

Exercising the muscles and working out can make a person fitter and give them a better, healthier weight…. The Effects of Exercise — mental, social, and physical health. If you are not well in one of the three parts, you are not completely healthy. Exercising is a free-time activity that helps people to feel good in every aspect of the health definition. Cause and effect essay on exercise best-known part that exercising improves is the physical part. The physical effect of exercising is that every part and system of our body is in continuous movement.

There are many parts in our body that benefit from exercise, but one of the most important parts that exercising helps is the cardiovascular system.

For example, when you exercise, muscles move, and to move, cause and effect essay on exercise, muscles need oxygen in the blood, so the heart has to pump blood in a faster rhythm to keep the muscles moving. This trains your heart and lungs giving you more strength for the future.

Another part of the definition of health is mental health. This aspect is for me one of the aspects that makes people exercise, cause and effect essay on exercise. Exercise distracts and relaxes you for a while because, in your exercise, you are discharging many feelings and in commodities, such as stress. Many people feel that after exercising, all the problems and pressures of their lifestyle disappear or at least are forgotten for a while.

While exercising problems of our lives can cause and effect essay on exercise solved because you are calm and relaxed, and it is just much easier to think clearly. The social aspect of health is helped with exercise because many of the sports can be made with someone else. This makes stronger relationships because you meet people that are like you and share the same things.

I think that this makes you feel more secure and learn about human relationships. Exercising is an activity that touches the three aspects of health. By exercising you could improve the functioning of your body, be calm in your mind, and meet new people which makes healthier life.

I think that another benefit of exercising is the satisfaction of doing something that helps you to live healthily. This idea causes many people to think of exercise as a drug. You should try it. Exercise, and be healthy. I speculate cause and effect essay on exercise the all-around athletic look is so popular because it is probably one of the hardest body types to achieve. In earlier times, hour-glass figures were the product of genetics and corsets, and the emaciated Kate Moss look could simply be achieved by starvation.

To be physically fit inside and out is something that every person can control and achieve, but only through strong self-discipline. Despite this revolution in the fitness industry, many false preconceived notions about losing weight persevere and impede the movement.

As the media bombard the American public with unrealistic images, a new obsession with fitness has hit the markets. With more and more people aiming to lose weight, the fitness industry has been pressured to accommodate the high demands for efficient and entertaining workouts. This greater variety of work-outs hitting the market is a result of the diverse types of people who are trying to get in shape.

Health clubs are no longer only for those year-olds who are in competitive training or those who need to be fit as a job requirement. Instead, these facilities are now packed with cause and effect essay on exercise of all ages, and various skill and fitness levels.

Due to this increase in a broad spectrum of beginners, cause and effect essay on exercise, different exercise programs designed to accommodate these differences have recently been introduced. One of these trendy workouts that have become extremely popular among the masses is Spinning. In this sense, spinning is user-friendly and it accommodates most anybody. Another aspect of spinning is that it is designed for people who want results in the quickest way—simply speaking, basically everybody.

A second trend of the fitness industry was created by a man named Billy Blanks who introduced a workout video combining boxing, Tae Kwon Do, and dance to the markets last August. In contrast to spinning, Tae-Bo is not for everybody. Instead, it is a program for the fitness elite. Despite eliminating the overweight, elderly, and injury-prone population from its consumers, the videos have had amazing results. This is not only due to the compact calorie-burning tendency of the video, but the variety of moves and music which can also double as a class in self-defense.

So basically, Tae-Bo is an excellent cardio and toning workout with the ability to keep people interested. One negative effect of the fitness craze is that most people, when catching the work-out fever, are often misled about the results that they are expecting to see. Some believe that they can just show up at a gym, go ride a bike reasonably hard for a good hour, five days a week, and see the results they want within a month.

The toughest challenge for beginning health club members is the high rate of frustration due to false preconceived notions. To get and maintain a body that is physically fit is an everyday struggle for a lifetime. For instance, it is a well-known fact that swimming is an excellent means of exercise.

The lack of results due to incorrect work-out strategies are very discouraging for beginners, and more often than not, the novice abandons the gym and returns to the couch.

Another problem beginners encounter is the realization that they have to work up to a level where they are even capable of exerting themselves safely in order to lose enough calories to make cause and effect essay on exercise visual impact. Another common misconception among the masses is that spot reduction targeting a specific area of your body from which to lose weight during a workout works. All in cause and effect essay on exercise, the rise of the fitness industry has impacted almost everyone in America, whether it means being more health-conscious, body-conscious, or fitness-a-phobic.

This new fitness movement, if it continues growing at the rate it has been, will keep coming out with innovative ways to motivate the unmotivated into cause and effect essay on exercise more active lifestyles. Ultimately this will lead to an American public that enjoys longer, healthier lives. Exercise will have a huge impact on your life mainly because it improves your mood, weight loss, and you become healthier.

First, while exercise improves your confidence, it also improves your mood. Improving your confidence is a huge plus to exercising because it shapes up your body and you also have a better complexion. I think you become less shy and more outgoing.

When I go for my walks every night, I feel relaxed and nothing can bother me, which also helps me sleep better. Second, while it improves your body shape, cause and effect essay on exercise, mainly you lose weight. Being in better shape, some tasks are easier for you, like simply going for a walk. You feel better about yourself, which is very important. Some people like to meditate or listen to music when they want to relax, but with exercising, while you are not only calming yourself but also achieving your goals for a better and healthier life.

Exercise is a healthy way to lose weight. With a good portioned eating habit and daily work out you lose unwanted fat. People lose weight for numerous reasons. Some want changes in their life and are tired of carrying extra weight around or do it for health reasons, cause and effect essay on exercise. Whatever the reason may be, exercise can help you drop weight faster.

Lastly, while not only does exercise give you energy, but it also helps you be a healthier person. Having energy for everyday life is very much needed. In my case, when I have a chance to work out, I have more energy to do my homework, rather than being sleepy and tired most of the time. When you eat right and exercise you have less risk of heart disease, you have a better immune system, lowers blood pressure, and many other reasons.

The United States is the top of the list of obesity. Why have extra weight, when it causes many health risks? You can find great ways to exercise and actually enjoy them at the same time, cause and effect essay on exercise. You can start off easy by just going for a walk and end up running, Another good way to lose weight is dancing.

New games these days incorporate physical activity, like Wii sports. In conclusion, exercise is great for improving your mood, getting in better shape, and being a healthier person.

You need to narrow your topic. A common misconception is that a multiple paged essay requires a broad topic so that there are plenty of talking points, however, it is actually the opposite.

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The Effects of Exercise (cause and effect essay) | Essaywritingjdku Wiki | Fandom

cause and effect essay on exercise

Cause and Effect of Exercising Exercising is one of the greatest health benefits known to man. Exercising goes back into the early ages of the earth. Without exercise back in the past, humans would be completely out of shape Exercise: Cause and Effect Essays (a) Underline the cause and highlight its effect in each of the following sentences. 1. After the dog bit her, we had to take her to the hospital. 2. Her computer stopped working due to a virus. 3. The police arrested him because he committed a crime. 4 Mar 10,  · Cause and Effect Essay: Exercise satisfaction of doing something that helps you to live healthy. This idea causes many people to think of exercise as a drug. You should try it. Exercise, and be healthy. Exercise can lead to many different results in a human body. Most every result can lead to a positive one for an individual%

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