· Hook & Thesis: Driving while using a mobile or cell phone could lose you up to 3 or 4 demerit points, plus make you subject to a costly fine, and that’s not even counting the danger you’re putting yourself into while doing it. If you must use a phone while driving, you should always use a hands-free kit, or better yet, just concentrate on driving, and save yourself the distraction and risk · This long essay about Cell Phone use while Driving is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Cell Phone use while Driving of words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below. Long Essay on Cell Phone use While Driving Words in EnglishEstimated Reading Time: 4 mins · Using cell phones while driving can lead you to a fatal accident. There are a few reasons that cell phones should be banned while driving (except in emergency) such as, text messaging, talking on the phone and use of electronic gadgets for cell phones. There are many dangers associated with using a cell phone while blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins
Mobile Phones and Driving Persuasive Essay - Hook & Thesis Examples
While pretty much everyone would agree that mobile or cell phones should never be used as you drive, the situation is a bit more complicated than the demand to just ban cell phones while driving.
One of the biggest problems of this case is texting while driving don't text and drive! Consider, for instance, the use of hands-free kits as a compromise — are they just as much of a distraction? See the samples below for some ideas on how to write these.
If you must use a phone while driving, you should always use a hands-free kit, or better yet, just concentrate on driving, and save yourself the distraction and risk. This dangerous practice puts property and lives at risk for no good reason. You should have at least three points of evidence in the body of your essay. Then, as you draw toward the conclusion, make sure you briefly go over all the points you made. This is your last chance to remind your audience of what you are trying to persuade them to do.
End with a call to action, encouraging your readers to take some sort of action based on your persuasiveness, or at least to think about the topic differently from now on. Have a look at the examples below to see some ideas for how to conclude a topic on driving with mobile or cell phones. Avoid all cell phones and driving essay trouble by only talking on your mobile phone when you are parked out of the way of traffic. It could save your life one day, cell phones and driving essay.
Driving a car is dangerous enough without adding still more risk by texting or talking while you drive, so get yourself a hands-free kit today! If you don't know exactly what type of paper you need or can't find the necessary one on the website - don't worry!
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The Use of Cell Phones While Driving is Dangerous Essay Driving And Distracted Driving. Americans spend over eleven hours a week using a cell phone for talking, texting, Cell Phones Can Be Dangerous. Driving can be very dangerous on its own without distractions but when you add driving · Hook & Thesis: Driving while using a mobile or cell phone could lose you up to 3 or 4 demerit points, plus make you subject to a costly fine, and that’s not even counting the danger you’re putting yourself into while doing it. If you must use a phone while driving, you should always use a hands-free kit, or better yet, just concentrate on driving, and save yourself the distraction and risk · Using cell phones while driving can lead you to a fatal accident. There are a few reasons that cell phones should be banned while driving (except in emergency) such as, text messaging, talking on the phone and use of electronic gadgets for cell phones. There are many dangers associated with using a cell phone while blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins
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