Apr 17, · Character development essays provide detailed descriptions and predictions about characters from fictional works. The purpose of an essay of this kind is to encourage readers to briefly inhabit the world of a character so that he or she might understand that character's motivation and perspective. Crafting a solid character development essay requires you to describe the character's Dec 20, · To write such a character, you'll need to: Justify the character’s reason for existence by establishing the character's story goal and motivation. Make sure the character has both strengths and flaws. Give the character an external and internal conflict. Decide whether the character is Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Character Development Essay. Better Essays. Words. 4 Pages. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Character is one of important aspects in a story. According to Coles (), in fiction, all the intrinsic elements—plot, setting, theme, etc—are connected to the characters
How to Write a Character Development Essay | Pen and the Pad
In writing a screenplay, with every character, you create them and take them on a journey. But how do you get to that point? How do you know who your character is and where to take them? This is the character development essays of character development. And for comedy vs drama, character development essays, for example, character development essays, your character needs will be vastly different.
So what is key to creating compelling characters? Character Development is the process of creating your characters and understanding their relevancy to your story. You must understand their purpose in the story. You must understand what qualities and characteristics need to be included, or at least thought about, as you write the dialogue, and how your character will relate to the other characters. Now this may be a controversial statement. It may shock you, and frankly, rock the foundation from which you have created all of your characters in character development essays past.
Creating layers makes character development essays more interesting, right? So why would you not want to strive for this? Audiences like to see situations and people that they may never actually see in real life, but fit perfectly into the story world you have created. In fact, given the list above, many times the antiherowho lacks the normal optimism and moralism of a traditional protagonistwill be the most intriguing to the audience.
BUT… people also enjoy the reassurance that characters and their stories provide, because they can see people overcoming obstacles and succeeding. Making characters flawed can help your audience feel like they understand them, and could see themselves in the character. For lead characters, and sometimes even supporting characters, you will also need to establish what inner conflict they are personally facing, as this will drive their actions throughout the story. Character development essays you begin to plot out the characters in your story, character development essays, you need to be aware of archetypesas well as character development essays, and how to use them to your advantage.
An archetypal character is one defined by their plot function, character development essays, ie what they are trying to achieve. For example, a protagonist is trying to achieve a goal, and the antagonist is trying to prevent them from achieving it. Archetypes exist because each represents a part of our own minds, just turned into a character. Through them, we can learn what is the best way to go about solving a problem in our own lives. Using characters from THE LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy, examples of major character archetypes include:.
Stereotypes can be great for secondary characters or even aspects of your lead characters. Stereotypes are built upon established personalities that are common in a specific environment ie the geek, the bully, etc. They are widely adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of behaving intended to represent the group of those individuals or behaviors as a whole.
This is usually set up in a story in order to be upended. Think of all the teenage characters in THE BREAKFAST CLUB. Everyone needs to complex, with different layers, character development essays, and a multi-faceted personality. While many will argue that every character needs to be a three-dimensional character, character development essays, remember that there is an argument, and a need, for flat characters.
So for our lead characters, who are very three-dimensional character development essays will change, the audience will be even more intrigued and interested in their stories. They are our heroes that we want to follow. Especially in comedy, for example, flat characters are not only acceptable but may be preferred. You just need to understand that not all supporting characters or minor characters need to be fully developed, and that is OK. Think of the classic detective character Sherlock Holmes, who appeared in film series SHERLOCK HOLMES or the tv series SHERLOCK.
It is important to understand how a particular character compares to other characters, and furthermore, what their motivational relationship is to them. Specifically, do they complement or contrast them?
For the lead characters, it is important to consider these questions early, as it will help you as the writer to create your supporting and minor characters, and base their qualities on how your lead characters would interact with them. Specifically for supporting characters, if they are close to the protagonistit helps for them to bring specific strengths, that the lead does not possess, character development essays, to the table.
If the protagonist thinks in black and white, perhaps have a supporting character that helps them see the grey area. It gets boring if there is no conflict of views within the main characters. One of the most important aspects of character development is figuring out the character arc. This is the inner journey of the character, and mapping out how the character will change from one person into another type of person by the conclusion of the film or series.
While your lead character should always have a character arc, character development essays, remember that supporting characters and even minor characters can have arcs. Think of FORREST GUMP. Some might even call Forrest below average, but he ends up influencing major events in American history.
HARRY POTTER also falls into this category. Think of THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS. He loses his job, and then he character development essays his wife, and then nearly loses his son due to poverty. But, of course, character development essays, he eventually does succeed and overcome such challenges! Often movies that take place during war times such as GONE WITH THE WIND and COLD MOUNTAIN will also take their characters on this journey.
Even disaster movies like TITANICGRAVITYand THE PERFECT STORM will fall into this category, character development essays. Or you have Michael Corleone from THE GODFATHER, who actually overlaps both of these.
Michael very much wants to live a normal life, but is instead thrown into the world of the Italian mob. He also begins to lose all the stability and morality that he had believed would lead his life, essentially leading him to lose everything he held to be important. This is an important step now more than ever.
The world is a diverse place, so to show different people from different backgrounds is important and allows for a wide variety of audiences to see themselves represented. Challenge yourself every step of the way as to who these characters are. Truly interrogate the identity of your characters and the wider context of their situations and the world around them.
If writing characters who are of a different ethnicity, sexuality or gender to yourself, this is when making them fully developed and rounded characters is essential. Research and consultation are crucial to counteracting any inherent biases. Doing justice to the characters at hand means giving them depth and nuance and not falling back on assumptions or perceptions. The specific physical qualities that will set your character apart and make them unique.
You may have known this even before you began reading this article, character development essays. But it is important to consider the preceding questions before nailing down these qualities, as you can be more strategic in character development essays approach. Yes, you can just create characters. But be specific with a few of these qualities textually, and know the rest of them as you write. Sometimes it can be incredibly rewarding to have a supporting character with this complex of a backstory.
The character introduction is just as important a stage to character development as the rest. This will be the moment that audiences will forever associate with your character, as it was the first time they were exposed to them. The first step is establishing the reputation of your character, character development essays. And it actually comes prior to your character coming onto the scene.
This is usually best for the antagonist or supporting characters, as you will want to introduce your lead character as soon as possible. It can be effective to foreshadow the entrance character development essays the character by hearing other characters speak of their reputation. Having differing opinions of them can throw the audience off guard, not sure of what the character will really be like.
This will lead audiences to anticipate their appearance and enjoy the moment even more when it arrives. Next, you have to decide how they will first appear. Consider the setting. Does it fit your character and where they would usually hang out?
Or are you going to draw a stark contrast between your character and the setting? Will they be out of character development essays, and will you use that irony to draw out their character traits? And what about their appearance. What are they wearing? What are they doing? Then you must choose the first few lines of dialogue for your character.
These are some of the most important as it is the first time your audience will see your character or if over the phone, at least hear them.
How the actor delivers these first lines will also determine how the character will sound. For a great example of foreshadowing a character introduction and establishing their reputation, think of the introduction of Hannibal Lecter in THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, character development essays. Their dialogue is actually further character development.
For screenwriters, a main focus has and always will be dialogue. Even character development essays it is a minor character with only a character development essays lines, it may be even more important to make those few words impactful and memorable.
The actor will bring life to your lines, but it is important to provide them with great dialogue. With dialogue, it is important to always consider what purpose that line or that scene serves within the script. What is incredible about dialogue is that it is planned conversation, meaning it can be as witty and insightful as you want it to be.
You must clearly hear their voice in your head as you write, so that the voice remains consistent and believable but be ready for the actor to put their own spin on the character during filming! Whether it be feelings, plans, or anxieties, the character can have space to fully disclose these to their fellow characters or directly to the audience. This speech by the character can not only tell us a lot about themselves but also set the tone for that scene or the entire story.
A catchphrase will be a short phrase or expression used by a specific character, that recurs in a similar form character development essays the course of the script.
How to Write a Character Analysis Paragraph
, time: 6:15Character Development Writing Characters Readers Won't Forget
Apr 13, · Character analysis essay example #1: Character Analysis of Anders in Bullet in the Brain, a Book by Tobias Wolff. The first essay is a brief analysis. It focuses on how readers see the character of Anders in the short story “Bullet in the Brain” develops. *Click images below to blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Dec 20, · To write such a character, you'll need to: Justify the character’s reason for existence by establishing the character's story goal and motivation. Make sure the character has both strengths and flaws. Give the character an external and internal conflict. Decide whether the character is Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Essays Related to Character Development. 1. Receurdo- Character and Setting Development. By uniquely describing the setting throughout the story, it allows the readers to place themselves inside the story and by using the main character, Rosa who plays an important role of character development, is of whom the reader can adapt and relate to
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