· Film Analysis Essay on Crash () Topics: Racism, White people, Race Pages: 3 ( words) Published: November 19, The movie “Crash” - from director and producer Paul Haggis - pictures one day in the lives of various characters in Los Angeles, all of them from different social and racial backgrounds but nevertheless connected and intertwined throughout the story Paul Haggis In wrote and directed the award winning movie Crash concerning a variety of intertwine experiences concerning racial relations and the levels of socioeconomic status of the varied cast of characters. This movie deal with how humans being contract with actual life situations and tackles how racial injustices and stereotypes effect our society by sourcing a division of customs, disregarding civil · Crash is an Oscar winning, American drama from written, directed and produced by Paul Haggis. The film is about racial tensions and the effect it has on people showing their daily lives in Los Angeles, California post 9/ The film asks hard hitting questions about racism and shows harsh realities that are normally avoided
Racism in the "Crash" - Words | Essay Example
People crash essay all alike despite their slight evident differences, crash essay. However, their diversity is to a large extend, the root cause of all their conflicts. The fact that people vary in terms of their personalities, race, language, skin color, among others, is a clear implication that their interaction is subject to violence. In his works, Haggis depicts an interaction of characters that differ in all senses; race, origin, skin color, just to mention but a few.
It is worthy noting that, all the characters in the film are victims of crashes and none is free of sympathy. Racism stands as the basis of these evident crashes. As a way of developing the theme, Haggis strategically uses characters that fit themselves into the shoes of racists. Virtually, all the film characters portray crashes build on their racial differences. As a result, they end up jumping into conclusions based on race where they gain insights, not only about themselves, but also about the race itself.
As the movie begins, the results of car crash involving Ria, Kim Lee, and Waters are no more than clashes. Ria and Lee abuse each other depicting their differing racial backgrounds. Not my fault! She does this…Stop in the middle of street! These two portray their differing places of origins and each is in support of hers.
Following the accident, none admits to be the cause. They end up arguing of the cause even after the motorcycle cop intervenes. Ria, crash essay, a race-driven character attempts to fight Lee back since she Lee is a Mexican unlike her. This collision is a package, sufficient to pass Ria for a racist. I mean, really, crash essay, what kind of man speaks to his mother that way, huh? As she describes the composition of her family, she pictures the diversity of her parents but despite it, they are at peace with no racial crashes.
In fact, she tells Graham that, could she be her father, she would punish him, crash essay. In other words, racism is an offence and ought to be sternly punishable. Graham is a racist who seems to have learned a lot about racism through his collisions with people around him. Graham is a racist. He knows what it means by racial collisions. He has experienced crashes with quite a number of people, crash essay.
His racist nature stands in his crash with Ria as discussed above. For instance, as he is with Ria, he receives a call and through his response, racism is evident.
According to Bell, there are some other instances where the racist characters, after learning the consequences of racism, try to cover them as much as possible Graham is not an exception.
Though his racist nature is evident, his collision with Flanagan depicts him as an anti-racist, a situation that, based on insinuations, arises after he learns that crash essay is bad. These abusive race-rich words are directed to Graham. Does Graham reflect racism in his response?
Not at all! Graham is a changed man viewing racism from another angle. He believes that racism can crash essay arrested crash essay people change their mind sets about crash essay. Therefore, according to Graham, racism is a real practice carried out by people like him, but based on his personal experience, that is, the experience of racial crashes, racism can be arrested if people like him, purpose to stop it.
Rick is another victim of racism as the following paragraph elaborates. Rick, a racist, as the story unfolds, has a story to tell concerning the subject of racism, crash essay. He has encountered collisions, founded crash essay race, crash essay, with people like Karen and Jean, to mention but a few. For instance, as he collides with Karen, his racist character stands out. Why do these guys have to be black? In this scenario, Rick pictures crash essay racist nature.
However, his view of racism changes as he converses with Jean. It is deducible that he has come to realize that all people, whether black or white, crash essay, are all the same and for them to unite, they need to fight back the enemy that has caused that falling apart of things; racism. He assumes the front line in crash essay campaign against this. For instance, when Jean is angered by James on the issue of locks, Rick enters to calm the crash.
Just go to bed, all right…You lower you voice! These words are heavy laden with symbolism. According to him, racism is bad as it is the root cause of all the crashes he, among others, has gone through.
He employs characters, who strategically fit themselves into the shoes of racists. He symbolically gathers people who differ in all senses, origin, color, race, among others. Among them are Ria, Graham, crash essay, and Rick. All these stand as racists, who crash with one another as a result. Crash essay, they later come to learn that, with racism in their minds, crash essay will never end. Through their personal experience, they begin a campaign against racism and this is evident through their reactions as they encounter race-driven people.
As the movie closes, all these characters viz. Rick, Ria and Graham, have not only gained insight about themselves, but also about race. They realize crash essay difference between a black and a white person is only skin deep; beyond that, all people are the same, crash essay. Haggis successfully drives home his lesson through these characters. According to them, crash essay through their experience, they have learned that racism is a fuel, rather than a solution of crashes.
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Paul Haggis In wrote and directed the award winning movie Crash concerning a variety of intertwine experiences concerning racial relations and the levels of socioeconomic status of the varied cast of characters. This movie deal with how humans being contract with actual life situations and tackles how racial injustices and stereotypes effect our society by sourcing a division of customs, disregarding civil · Crash is an Oscar winning, American drama from written, directed and produced by Paul Haggis. The film is about racial tensions and the effect it has on people showing their daily lives in Los Angeles, California post 9/ The film asks hard hitting questions about racism and shows harsh realities that are normally avoided · Movie Crash Essay. The film “Crash” written and directed by Paul Haggis was taken place in Los Angeles. This movie illustrates how discrimination and prejudice has affected our everyday lives, due to the misconceptions we have of each other. All the characters in this movie are either victims of prejudice and discrimination or are guilty of it
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