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Essay on natural resources

Essay on natural resources

essay on natural resources

Jan 02,  · Essay on Natural Resources: Nature’s blessing to make our lives easy and comfortable is called natural resources. Some of them are air, water, sunlight, plants, animals, gases, coal, wood, etc. These resources can be both renewable and non-renewable. Consuming natural resources beyond a certain limit leads to blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins A natural resource is defined as a natural material found on earth that is useful for humans in some way. It is often processed of manufactured in order for it to meet the needs of a society Essay on Natural Resources – Long Essay for Competitive Exams like IAS, IPS and UPSC (Essay 8 – Words) Natural resources are the resources that we get from the Earth naturally. Natural resources include the flora and fauna around us, air, water, sunlight, etc. Generally, there are two types of natural blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

Long and Short Essay on Natural Resources for Children and Students

Some of them are air, water, sunlight, plants, animals, gases, coal, wood, etc. These resources can essay on natural resources both renewable and non-renewable. Consuming natural resources beyond a certain limit leads to depletion. We need to focus on recycling, reusing and limiting excessive usage of certain resources for sustained development. Conservation of natural resources for future generations is the need of the hour. Mother Earth hosts our existence and survival and is a giver of essay on natural resources things and elements.

In return, it is just pleading humankind to stop causing destruction and start respecting and preserving what they have left of it. These are earth materials used to support life which includes oil, coal, natural gas, metals, stone, air, sunlight, soil, water, forests, minerals, etc. They are both biotic and abiotic in nature and are essential for civilization. Not all are available in abundance because some will get extinct if not used judiciously. With the increasing rate of population, these resources are declining, and the measures to prevent them are growing exponentially.

Natural Resources are broadly classified into renewable and non-renewable resources. The former can be regenerated while the latter is extinctive. Renewable resources are the ones which can grow again and never exhaust. For example, Tress, they grow again even if they are cut, and animals reproduce.

Sunlight and air is plenty. Trees being at the top provide life-supporting gas called oxygen vital for breathing. Without it, no living creature will survive. Water is the second essential resource which is potentially used in generating power, in agriculture, in construction and households.

It is found in oceans, essay on natural resources, rivers, ponds, lakes and seas. Non-Renewable resources are resources which are irreplaceable and are depleting at a faster pace due to over consumption. Most fossil fuels, minerals and metal ores are examples of non-renewable resources. Fossil fuels like oil, coal and petroleum are used in vehicles, aircraft, railways and other forms of transportation.

Iron is a good conductor and therefore used in making steel, pipes, electrical wiring, tools, door handles, essay on natural resources, pots and pans, etc. Coal is used in making dyes, oils, waxes, pharmaceuticals and pesticides. It is an energy source which takes millions of years to configure, essay on natural resources. Thermal coal is also used in power generation, essay on natural resources.

Refuse to buy the products which cause harm to the resources. Reduce the use of materials that are chronic in nature. Reuse items as and when required to avoid unnecessary surplus and lastly recycle the existing things into creative stuff so that it reduces the demand for producing goods which are redundant. Use electricity cautiously as resources like water, coal and natural gas is used to produce it.

Switching off fans, lights and other electrical gadgets when not necessary. Use energy-efficient appliances to save power. Please refrain from using essay on natural resources as they cause massive hazards to the environment.

Substitute plastic with environmentally friendly products. Instead of essay on natural resources spoons, plates or bags use paper bags, leaf plates and wooden spoons. Keep away from plastic straws and use metal ones. Owe fuel-efficient vehicles, essay on natural resources. Bicycling, walking, using public transports and car-pooling are the best replacements.

Driving less will also reduce air pollution. Sustainable agriculture is the solution to maintain balance as it encourages organic farming and abstains from using harmful chemicals and pesticides for the crops. Rainwater harvesting is the best course of action to save water for future use as it recollects rainwater from roofs and stores it underground. Earth has provided us with the gift of these resources. We must conserve them to ensure the existence of every being and maintain stability in the eco-system.

If these resources exhaust, then no longer a day will arrive where we will have to start looking for another planet for continuation, which is complicated given the conditions required for survival as they are unavailable on other planets. Living sustainably and valuing these resources will help us to build our future in a better way, and future generations will be obliged to safeguarding them.

Earth will remain green only with our vigorous efforts and determination. Reader Interactions Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Skip to main content Skip to secondary menu Skip to primary sidebar HOME UPSC UPSC Toppers State Civil Services Indian Polity Notes Essay for UPSC NCERT Books NCERT Books For Class 1 NCERT Books For Class 2 NCERT Books For Class 3 NCERT Books For Class 4 NCERT Books For Essay on natural resources 5 NCERT Books For Class 6 NCERT Books For Class 7 NCERT Books For Class 8 NCERT Books For Class 9 NCERT Books For Class Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources

, time: 10:08

Essay on Natural Resources: 8 Selected Essays on Natural Resources

essay on natural resources

Jan 02,  · Essay on Natural Resources: Nature’s blessing to make our lives easy and comfortable is called natural resources. Some of them are air, water, sunlight, plants, animals, gases, coal, wood, etc. These resources can be both renewable and non-renewable. Consuming natural resources beyond a certain limit leads to blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins A natural resource is defined as a natural material found on earth that is useful for humans in some way. It is often processed of manufactured in order for it to meet the needs of a society Essay on Natural Resources – Long Essay for Competitive Exams like IAS, IPS and UPSC (Essay 8 – Words) Natural resources are the resources that we get from the Earth naturally. Natural resources include the flora and fauna around us, air, water, sunlight, etc. Generally, there are two types of natural blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

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