Human migration. Human beings move from one place to another over long or short distances, searching for places to settle either temporarily or permanently. People that migrate do so individually, as families or in large groups. Human migration can be traced back million years ago, when the Homo erectus began moving out of their settlements in Africa and spreading to Australia, Asia and finally to Feb 15, · LEARN MORE In the history of the United States, the Great Migration refers to the period in the 20th century when African Americans moved in large numbers- nearly six million – from the Southern rural communities to the large urban cities of the North Migration essays It is the wish of everyone to live a happy and free life in a country where they get equal opportunity and thereby secure a better future for themselves and their families. There are not many nations that can guarantee such political and economical freedom that Australia can to immi
Migration essay topics — free essays on Migration
Apple Pay is the easiest and most secure way to pay on Gradesfixer in Safari. Home — Essay Samples — Science — Human Population — Essay on global migration in the world.
Emigration or global migration refers to the movement of human population from their home country to their desired destination.
Typically, these emigrants are already in their essays on migration of venturing for better prospects and are willing to find better jobs in the global market. Movement of workers from one country to another diminishes the human value produced by their origin country.
Since it is known for the fact that migrants are easily lured into the international job market and have already attained the needed experience for their jobs, migration proves to have a negative effect essays on migration the human capital and would later on lead to the phenomenon known as brain drain.
The Philippines, in particular has embedded migration in history long before, in every aspect in the society and has deeply led to a major blow in the country, essays on migration. By understanding the history of migration in the Philippines, the effects of migration can easily be identified and why people would opt to go abroad for better pastures. The desire for migration began at the start of the American colonization, essays on migration, shortly after the signing of the Treaty of Paris, essays on migration.
Filipino workers began travelling to Hawaii on December 20, as farmers of sugarcane and pineapple plantations, essays on migration. Following this voyage, many Filipino workers followed and those that remained in Hawaii went to the American Soil to have better prospects on agriculture.
Within essays on migration, almostFilipino workers were said to have arrived in Hawaii. Students were even given the chance to migrate to the United States within the period given their affluence or any other organizational retreat. In these American years of colonization, this type of migration was only considered as internal migration since the movement of the population when from colony to colony until the passing of the Philippines Independence Act of which restricted the number of Filipinos migrating to the States.
This, essays on migration, however, did not stop the governor in Hawaii to acquire Filipinos to work for them in case of a decrease in manpower. Even after the World War II has ended, around 12, Filipinos essays on migration to work essays on migration Hawaii for various jobs, essays on migration.
Filipinos are also able to enter other countries such as New Zealand, Canada, essays on migration, and Australia after policy changes in immigration.
This made Philippines to be one of the top 10 labor exporters internationally Asis, Inthe Philippines continue to send workers in Asia mainly due to the oil crisis which partly affected the economic progress and the inability of the government to give jobs to the Filipinos. What Marcos thought to be the temporary band aid solution for the economic adversities in the country actually led to more acquisition of workers to Gulf countries and even in several parts of East Asia. Migration also proved to be unstoppable as unfavorable political climate, rising unemployment, unstable economy, and increase in population in the country has made Filipinos think of seeking better opportunities abroad Asis, The constant supply of Filipino workers abroad thus led to the brain drain phenomenon wherein skilled professionals particularly in the fields of medicine, education and engineering were either recruited or convinced to move into a better working environment as to escape the adversities of their origin country, essays on migration.
Demand for medical practitioners and nurses also continue to surge abroad in the succeeding decade. With the advent essays on migration modern technology and better communication, labor migration intensified on skilled professionals such as engineers, programmers, designers, etc.
Then again, this proved that the passage of law by the Essays on migration government has paved way for Filipinos to feasibly migrate and be recruited by other countries in demand of labor power. Overseas Filipino Workers, particularly professionals, became prominent in the late nineties in terms of the cost and essays on migration. Part of the reason is that host countries wanted to acquire workers with advanced skills and capabilities in their work place, essays on migration.
For instance, most of the Filipino workers that went to the United States acquired tertiary education college degrees given that they already have enough experience to handle key positions.
Essays on migration workers from ages also prove to be significant in the labor force for they are already in their years of harnessing their experience through on-the-job trainings and others.
Most of these workers may have already been part of the labor force and by doing so they have attained enough experience to move abroad. Recently, essays on migration, President Rodrigo Duterte signed the Balik Scientist Act or R. Numerous compensations would be given for them, for instance, tax exemptions, medical insurances, support by the Department of Science and Technology DOST Elemia, This act was one of the many other bills that the government has proposed and enacted in order to convince skilled professionals to work for their home country rather than somewhere else; measures like these are considerably weak given that youth nowadays have access to the internet where finding a job has been made much easier and hassle-free.
It would be impossible to change the mindset of the people since their responsibility lies within their families rather than their jobs or even for the benefit of the nation. What the country needs is a direction that would push its people towards the attainment of their goals and at the same time, develop their potentials that would lead to fruitful progress, essays on migration. In order to implement such solution, the government must inculcate humanist ethics as a guide to understand the value that the workers would give to the country.
Humanist ethics or humanism in other terms deals with the principle of life dependent solely on human beings, essays on migration. Supporters of this belief sees the importance of human nature as the key in understanding the values that people would have to practice, essays on migration. Religion, for humanists, is not necessary in justifying the actions made by human beings. Whether it may be in the presence of supernatural beings such as God or any other religious beliefs, essays on migration, humanists stick to the principles that guide them to become human beings.
By doing so, they value human independence and freedom, as most of the decisions they make would eventually lead to their own happiness. This freedom, however, does not necessarily benefit the entirety as most of the choices that they make would have unwanted consequences for the society. For instance, one would opt for male sexuality over their essays on migration a harmless choice that cannot be intervened by authorities or other people. If only a few were to consider this preference, then there would be no problems.
But if this preference becomes a human tradition for a single society, this is where the conflict arises British Humanist Association, n. Cultures created by this phenomenon can be uncontrollable considering that people would want to be part of a trend without having fully understood the aftermath of this influence.
Since only these beings possess the gifts of reason and past experiences, they are able to cherish the life endowed to them in humankind and fully develop their potentials, essays on migration. By attaining the tools needed in order to explore the world, humans also have the ability to comprehend ethics without the presence of any outside control.
They may either act upon the interest of the many or achieve the happiness on their own. It is only a matter of time that they would also have to be responsible for the actions that they would partake International Humanist and Ethical Union, essays on migration, n. Ever since international migration started in the Philippines, Filipinos became independent on attaining their own happiness.
They do not rely on the influence of religion or any other belief that would constitute to the morality of their actions. They exhibit the qualities of what a human wants to be understanding the world and exploring its conquests and fully developing their potentials to their achievable limit. What the American colonization had done for them is that Filipinos were bestowed with the gift of attaining unsurmountable happiness.
By opening the doorways towards bountiful opportunities, Filipinos are able to exploit these graces and cater fully to the happiness in their accord, essays on migration.
This event then became a tradition for the upcoming generations as they too wanted to invest in their acquired talents and provide happiness for themselves and their families. Since only little coercion has been made for Filipinos not to go abroad, they have the power to create their own destiny once they have the knowledge and skills to utilize on. This goes to show how Filipinos only valued unity and nationalism when their freedom is threatened by external forces; once that threat becomes non-existent, they are able essays on migration pursue their own dreams and work for the supplication of happiness.
This independence has led to a detrimental effect to the society and the nation since people would make decisions that would only benefit themselves rather than the collective good. By opening the doors to international waters, Filipinos would have another option to extend the happiness of their loved ones and escape whatever reality has granted to them in their homeland.
Those that have remained may not have the resources essays on migration take their talents abroad, may not have the qualifications to compete in the market, and seldom, essays on migration, may have the talents but decided to work at the home country until the end.
Given how information and technology has advanced over the century, Filipinos would never rule out the chance of working in their dream countries and earn enough money to make a desirable living. The need for humanist ethics is substantial towards lessening if not curtailing the phenomenon of brain drain in the Philippines.
The Philippine government, essays on migration, in particular, should be the one responsible upholding the value of humanism in dealing with the loss of essential workers and professionals in the country. We cannot blame history for allowing the colonizers to enter the country and influence the workers to work essays on migration their nation; what they only did was adding more freedom for future workers to essays on migration on.
As political leaders of these country, they essays on migration understand the humanity instilled in their countrymen but more importantly, essays on migration, lead the nation towards a better progress, essays on migration. Essays on migration globalization has proven to be an unstoppable force in the acquisition of workers worldwide, the country should also participate in the competition of labor power.
Countries such as the United States have the ability to procure workers since there are plenty of job openings for workers to get hired on. Provision of more jobs by the government can help in sizing up to the needs demanded by other foreign countries.
Another factor to consider is the workplace in the country Filipinos generally prefer favorable working conditions abroad since they are easily manageable and time-constraining. The need for better facilities and infrastructure in the country is necessary in order to increase the productivity of the labor force and attain better gains.
Companies and employers should also play a role in requesting the government for technological resources that would modernize their working facilities and would better attract many unemployed workers. In an article in Business Mirror Editorial, The Institute of Chartered Essays on migration in England in Wales ICAEW stated in a report how countries such as China and India have been able to diminish the effects of brain drain since workers are willing to return to the country so long as the opportunity for their career exists despite having lesser salaries Communications must also be improved by the government in disseminating information on job hiring since it is easier to acquire workers locally if they have knowledge on present job opportunities beforehand.
Through these modernizations, supplemental provisions and acts such as the Balik Scientist act would work given the proper conditions that would be exhibited in the country. Though it is still necessary to preserve the freedom of Filipino workers to have a third option of working abroad, it is important for the Filipino leaders of today to consider the future workers to reconsider other options for essays on migration to succeed in the growth of the nation.
At present, the government has shifted its focus on strengthening its security though the drug war and actively implementing the building of infrastructures in the country. As citizens of this country, our role is essentially vital towards the actions that the government would take. Given the prominence of the internet and social media, private citizens must actively participate in the request for jobs in the respective government agencies.
Issues that have been pondered on by the government which are only detrimental to the progress of the nation must be condemned by the many given its legal and ethical basis. Companies, as stated essays on migration, must be active in innovating their working facilities and be provided by the essays on migration with subsidies that would later be compensated when the labor force has been remedied. It is always logical for the government to respond to the needs of the people given that the people have also taken part in voicing out their concerns.
Since the country is still in the state of a democratic political system, the right towards freedom of speech must always be exercised by every private citizen if they wanted to change the country for the better. While the government is holding the herculean task of improving the work places of the country as well as the provision of opportunities for the people, it is important for the people to participate hand in hand in building the nation so as to provide equal opportunities and better living for every citizen of this nation.
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Finding Motherland—Essays about Family, Food, and Migration by Helen Thorpe (Audiobook Excerpt)
, time: 5:12Essay on Migration
Human migration. Human beings move from one place to another over long or short distances, searching for places to settle either temporarily or permanently. People that migrate do so individually, as families or in large groups. Human migration can be traced back million years ago, when the Homo erectus began moving out of their settlements in Africa and spreading to Australia, Asia and finally to Migration essays It is the wish of everyone to live a happy and free life in a country where they get equal opportunity and thereby secure a better future for themselves and their families. There are not many nations that can guarantee such political and economical freedom that Australia can to immi Dec 03, · Essay on Migration | Causes and Effects of Migration. Animals and man have been ever travelling. From grassy plains to fertile land, in search of better food, better opportunities. ‘Migration’ means the movement of population from one place to another for better blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins
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