Democratic leadership style: The democratic style of leadership,the followers got some blogger.com can do their job according to what they want but yes,still the leader holds whole power of blogger.com advantage of this style is that workers feel comfortable while doing their job. It also called as Participative Leadership Style. Free laissez leadership style: The style is largely a "hands off" view that tends to Sep 21, · Leadership styles is said to be the providing of direction, plans and also motivating people. It is important in a firm and does not matter if you manage a company of employees or even if you are the only employee. It is enough to have only one way of leading, different circumstances requires separate method of management blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Essay on Leadership # Meaning of Leadership (Essay 1) Leader is an integral part of work and social life. In any situation, when people want to accomplish some goal, a leader is required. Leadership occurs in all formal and informal blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
Leadership Essay, Example/Sample
Leadership is a skill that is practiced and entails a person being able to give directions to an organization, group of individuals or a department. It involves the ability to define a vision, leadership style essay, sharing the defined vision with others, giving additional information so that the others can realize the vision and coordinating the group to minimize any conflicts of interests that may arise. It also involves getting creative solutions for any problem that a group may face.
Leadership is mostly confused with management. While management is taught, leadership style essay, leadership is learned and enhanced through coaching and mentoring.
Leadership style essay style is the means to which a leader achieves the set goals. It entails how a leader can motivate a team towards the realization of certain set objectives. Different leadership styles are adapted to different situations. The leadership styles include authoritarian and relational leadership styles. An ideal leadership style is important for any organization.
The paper focusses on various leadership styles and how they can be used to effect an excellent organizational culture for a business through internal communication. Authoritarian leadership styles is a method employed by leaders when implementing policies.
A leader who uses this leadership style solely decides the policies that are to be applied and directs on the goals of the organization. The subordinates are left to take and act on what the leader prescribes and have little or no role in decision making.
The leader has total control over the group, and the subjects have a little freedom. Autocratic leaders employ the leadership style, leadership style essay. Authoritarian leaders have to direct on the vision and ways in which the organization can achieve the mission effectively.
Authoritarian leaders also enforce strictness by ensuring that there are set rules to be followed. Under this leadership style, there is a huge gap between the leader and the followers, leadership style essay. It was invented in the early days when the world was divided into tribes and empires. During this times, the emperor or the tribal head had total control of his or her subjects, leadership style essay.
The leader directed his subjects solely and had no room for the subjects to participate. The leadership style is employed today in industries that require minimal errors. Such industries include the construction sector, the healthcare industry, and some manufacturing industries.
When all the power rests with the leaders, leadership style essay, the followers have no room for making errors, leadership style essay. The leaders who employ this style makes independent decisions. The rest of the group plays no role in the decision-making. There is little creativity in the decisions made because the decisions solely rely on the leader alone. The style can be easily abused by leaders since they can adopt dictatorial tendencies.
The style is, however, effective since it reduced the time spent making decisions. Instead of the decisions being discussed the method proposes that the leader imposes decisions based on his or her judgment. It reduces bureaucracy and enhances fast decision making. Authoritarian leaders subscribe to the view that followers have to be supervised at all times. It hence aligns with Theory X leadership theory. The style suggests that people must be intimidated and forced to work at all times.
The method employs downward communication pattern where the leader communicates one way to the subordinates. The manager controls the subordinates and dominates any discussions held. He or she sets policies independently and directs on how each task should be completed. Authoritarian leadership styles can enhance organizational culture at an organization by enhancing downward communication.
The leadership style essay has to explain rules to subordinates to ensure that they complete the tasks given effectively. The manager also needs to be very consistent so that the subordinates will take tasks given seriously. Consistency will also ensure that employees at an organization trust their leaders. The belief transforms the organizational culture in the port by ensuring that employees attend to their tasks, leadership style essay. The leader also needs to respect his or her subordinates.
The respect provides that the subordinates get recognized for tasks they accomplish efficiently. The assistants also need to be effectively educated. The education ensures that they are no surprises which may be an obstacle to communication. The leader needs also to hear the contribution of his or her subordinates even if he or she does not necessarily use them in the decision-making leadership style essay. Listening to the subordinates eliminates the feeling of dictatorship and ensures that the subordinates are motivated.
Leadership style essay application of authoritarian Leadership style will ensure that the organization is transformed through an increase in productivity and fast decision making since it is a large organization.
Relational leadership style is the style that aims at building relationship among team members. A leader who employs this technique aims at motivating and satisfying team members with the aim of achieving the set goals as a team. The leadership style aims leadership style essay making the best of teamwork within an organization, leadership style essay.
The welfare of individual members is prioritized by the leader of the team. The style also entails leadership style essay of incentives to the subordinates.
The manager also provides mediation in case of work-related conflicts and creates a conducive environment for every worker. The leader helps the workers to perform the given duties diligently. Relational leadership aims at building a strong relationship between the leader and the subordinates. Relationship-oriented leaders aim at less supervision of the team members and encourage team members to be self-driven. They hence aim at reducing conflicts and creating a leadership style essay environment where workers feel comfortable.
Giving autonomy to the subordinates ensures that creative solutions are derived in the decision-making process. The method encourages both upward and downward communication techniques. Subordinates can communicate to the team leaders, and team leaders can communicate to the subordinates. It also supports communication among employees by encouraging teamwork. Teamwork results in a better organizational culture and transforms productivity. The leadership style is employee oriented and hence encourages employees to be more productive.
By focusing on employees the style creates a better organizational culture. Internal communication in an organization refers to the effective communication among the members of an individual group. It involves the communication between employees themselves and also the communication between employees and the management. The main aim of internal communications is promoting the unity of purpose in an organization.
It forms a backbone of any organization and ensures that all employees work towards a particular goal. Unity of purpose leads to the increase in productivity and profitability of a firm. An organizational culture defines the values and beliefs leadership style essay govern how people behave in an organization. The values dictate behaviors such as the dress code, the ethics while in the workplace and how effective one performs a task assigned to him or her.
An effective organizational culture distinguishes an organization from other organizations. Corporate culture is influenced by the management style, effectiveness of internal communication, leadership style essay, assumption and beliefs of a given group. An organization hence needs to adopt an active internal communication system to guarantee a leadership style essay organizational culture.
A good corporate culture guarantees better results from the employees, leadership style essay. Poor internal communications leads to the adoption of a bad corporate culture which affects the firm negatively.
When the employees do not get sufficient information, they tend to make many errors which in turn results in wrong decisions. A weak internal communication system leads to the adoption of divisions within the workplace. The separate units cause lack of trust between the employees themselves or between employees and the management, leadership style essay.
The lack of trust leads to conflicts and dissatisfaction among employees. Weak internal communication can hence destroy the brand of a company. An effective internal communication fosters the relationship between employees, the management and the desired results.
The employees can communicate effectively and undertake their tasks efficiently. Through communication, employees take responsibility in leadership style essay success of the organization. They can share common values and adopt a work related philosophy to attain this values. They adopt a shared cooperate leadership style essay, and this drives them in their daily undertaking of tasks. The philosophy hence leads to the adoption of a healthy organizational culture.
When the employees communicate effectively, they build trust among themselves. The organization therefore adopts transparency as its corporate culture. The managers are also encouraged to communicate effectively with the employees leading to a better decision-making process. A strong internal communication leads to the adoption of a clear goal-oriented process. Goals in an organization have to be achieved through leadership style essay process.
Internal communication designs a framework for the achievement of the vision of an organization. Since organizational culture entails values that are shared in a group, a clear internal communication influences values such as hard work.
An organization that has leadership style essay effective internal communication leadership style essay encourages employees to work hard to realize their goals. With a clear work leadership style essay, people are more focused and more productive.
Effective and Ineffective Leadership Styles - Jocko Willink
, time: 10:49Cheat Sheet for a Brilliant Leadership Essay: What to Include

Sep 21, · Leadership styles is said to be the providing of direction, plans and also motivating people. It is important in a firm and does not matter if you manage a company of employees or even if you are the only employee. It is enough to have only one way of leading, different circumstances requires separate method of management blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Aug 27, · So, a leadership essay implies providing real-life success examples and further revealing them. Above all, a good leadership essay is the one that follows a precise, clear, comprehensive structure. Structuring your essay about leadership in the most coherent way leads to a win-win situation: you have fewer troubles and barriers to writing a brilliant essay, and your teacher is able to comprehend the essay Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Essay on Leadership # Meaning of Leadership (Essay 1) Leader is an integral part of work and social life. In any situation, when people want to accomplish some goal, a leader is required. Leadership occurs in all formal and informal blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
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