· 1. Demographic – the main factor that contributes to poverty-ridden state of the country from a demographical point of 2. Economic –there are a host of economic reasons behind persistence of the poverty problems which are outlined 3. Social – The various social issues plaguing the country Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins Poverty in India Essay Words10 Pages Poverty has been a serious and a long-lasting issue in India. India is set to become a global economic power in decades to come · Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Poverty In India’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on Poverty In India of words. This long essay about Poverty In India is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Poverty In India of Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
Essay On Poverty In India For Asl
Essay on Poverty in India: People who are unable to satisfy basic necessities of life like food, water, shelter and education are considered unprivileged and face poverty. They may not be able to afford even a single square meal for their families. They are deprived of healthy and nutritious food. Population increase, migration to cities and rampant unemployment are some of the reasons for growing poverty in India.
Increasing literacy and providing sustainable living conditions for the poor can curtail poverty. This essay is useful for UPSC aspirants too! It is one of the chief developing nations with an international level of influence. This is because a large population of our country is still living below the poverty line. Even after almost seventy-two years of independence, poverty has plagued our nation.
Our Union, as well as State governments, have collaborated with many private and public sector institutions. Together they have been able to roll out successful schemes to keep their citizens satisfied. They are trying their best to provide us with our daily requirements. Yet this task has not helped remove poverty at all. The situation of poverty in India cannot be solved by judging it by its face value. It is essential to understand the nature of polity in India through a historical context.
That way, we would be able to find reforms that can be implemented to curb this social evil, poverty in india essay. From the earliest kingdoms to the Mughal era, poverty in india essay, India has always had a rich history. The vast reserves of gold and resources were the major indicators of a prospering economy during that poverty in india essay. Over time, poverty in india essay, invaders plundered these resources, and the economical health of this golden bird rapidly deteriorated.
The most significant damage was done by the colonials. They entered our land as traders but slowly established their monopoly over various regions and services, and the entire sub-continent was then in their control. Around the poverty in india essay and the 20th century, poverty bloomed under the British Raj. Industrial expansion and agricultural exports were increasing day by day. Farming was forced upon every labourer in India even when they were not farmers by profession.
Though employment existed in the form of farming, poverty in india essay, farmers were being underpaid, poverty in india essay. While Nawabs and Maharajas enjoyed wealth and privileges, most of these workers could not even buy one proper meal a day. Bypoverty had reached a point where millions of people poverty in india essay of starvation, disease, and destitution during the Bengal famine. Post-independence, India was divided into two different countries.
This caused an inflow of refugees along the western border. This further aggravated the condition of poverty prevailing in the nation, according to B. Over the years, many committees redefined the poverty line as per the changing dynamics of the Indian economy. At present, as per the World Bank estimates, 5. The figures have improved since the last century. Many factors directly contribute to the continual rise of poverty in India. To address and solve them, we need first to identify these factors.
Here we have listed down some of these causes:. The effects of poverty are far-fetched. One of its most disturbing effects includes the overall health conditions. Poor people are often malnourished. Children are devoid of a balanced and nutritious diet. Their poor immune system makes them prone to several ailments. Poverty makes them susceptible to anaemia, impaired vision, cardiac issues, etc. This is why 38 out of every infants die before turning 1. A poverty-ridden society is vulnerable to violence and crimes.
Poor people indulge in criminal activities to feed themselves. Apart from that, homelessness is a typical outcome of poverty. This risks the safety of women and promotes child labour. It also increases terrorism. Your email address will not be published.
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Essay on Poverty In India
, time: 4:01Poverty in India Essay for Students in English

Poverty in India Essay Words10 Pages Poverty has been a serious and a long-lasting issue in India. India is set to become a global economic power in decades to come · Essay on Poverty in India Words in English Origin of Poverty in India. From the earliest kingdoms to the Mughal era, India has always had a rich history. Poverty in Free India. Post-independence, India was divided into two different countries. This caused an inflow of Causes of Poverty Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Essay On Poverty In India Words3 Pages Poverty, a predicament where the poor live a life of destituteness. A life either devoid of or lack of food, water, shelter, clothes, and education
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