How to Write a Pros and Cons Essay Like a Pro - Kibin May 23, · Every man was born or created with similar may choose to list all the pros first and then address the cons, or you may devote each paragraph of the body to a certain aspect of the issue, explaining its pros and more social media we have, the more we think we're connecting, yet we’re really disconnecting from each other Jun 16, · You should go through these to know more about all the pros and cons of the online study: Short and Long Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Study Essay 1 ( Words) - Online Study: Good or Bad for Students. Essay 3 ( Words) - Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
Pros And Cons Of Racism, Essay Sample
Apple Pay is the easiest and most secure way to pay on Gradesfixer in Safari. Home — Essay Samples — Family — Marriage — Should I Get Married: the Pros and Cons. The Editors of New Strategist Editors published their findings in American Attitudes, pros and cons essay sample.
One of those matters discussed was the subject of marriage. These findings lead to the conclusion that majority of those whom are married are content and happy.
These same persons were asked if it was better for one adult of the family unit to provide solely financially, majority disagreed The New Strategist Editors, I can be assumed from these answers that a greater percentage would rather share the financial duties in a family unit equally. A greater level of honest responses could have been gathered from this study if it were not done face-to-face interview style, pros and cons essay sample.
If it was done with a broader population of the United States, a more accurate depiction of thoughts on these opinions would be gathered, pros and cons essay sample. Secondary analysis written by Ahu Gemici and Steve Laufer of New York University studies the relation among marriage and cohabitation. Majority of the research studied was quantitatively gathered by the Panel Study of Income Dynamics.
They specifically compared married couples and cohabiting partners in the areas of; employment stability, hours household chores were achieved, sexual encounters, and patterns of productiveness. In contrast, cohabiting couples feel free from the worries of uncertainty within the relationship and feelings of household commitments.
In their research, they provide an ample list of legal benefits that provide married couples with more financial stability and gains than that of cohabiting couples.
The income of two partners greatly outweighs that of each individual partner, provided each makes an income necessary to meet financial responsibilities. This number is less than half of those how cohabitate, the household strain of responsibility may be a factor leading to this number as well as the financial aspects of the partner living situation. The information gathered and observed is pros and cons essay sample representation of thoughts on living arrangements of cohabiting partners and married pros and cons essay sample. Perhaps a more broad approach to the specific matters being discussed would uncover even more benefits to both living situations.
A longitudinal study conducted by the German Socio-Economic Panel SOEP was studied by Christopher J. Boyce, Eamonn Ferguson, and Alex M. Wood They focused on satisfaction level and marriage specifically.
They collected this data over eight consecutive years using a sample size of two-thousand and fifteen adults over the age of eighteen. Their concluding findings provided that individual personality traits prior to marriage resulted in different satisfaction levels post-marriage.
The conclusion from this study brings another factor, personality, into the equation of marriage being a pro or con to the general public and to the individual. This study was well conducted and written but perhaps would improve with a larger more diverse population.
Theoretical Framework The specific theory that correlates to the debate of the pros and cons of marriage and the question if an individual should or should not get married is the pros and cons essay sample theory which has a subcategory of pros and cons essay sample equity theory.
According to this theory, individuals seek relationships in which they will not only financial benefit but also receive exchange of all that is desired. When one debates the pros and cons of marriage ultimately the decision is based upon the benefits and costs the marriage would have on the individual.
These exchanges can influence the individual both positively and negatively. Financial, responsibilities, emotional and physical exchanges are just some that could ultimately both benefit and cost. When one marries they potentially gain finically from both the government and their spouse. If one does not see a potential advantage but rather a loss, their eventual decision may be to stay single. This legally binding social interaction could also come as a disadvantage if the people do not agree on the level of companionship necessary to the relationship, pros and cons essay sample.
The responsibilities an individual has in society can potentially be shared or exchanged if one decides to marry. The exchange theory with the subcategory of the equity theory pertains to topic of if an individual should or should not get married cohesively. The theory addresses both pros and cons essay sample needs and wants but vaguely addresses other modern societal factors. A more structured approach to explaining the fine details of the exchanges is needed to better approach the specifics of the topic.
The multitude of exchanges between individuals when making the decision of whether or not to engage in the legally binding contract of marriage should be assessed. While there are many things to be gained if one chooses to marry, pros and cons essay sample, there are also equally potential losses. The theory of exchange pertains to all relationships in our lives and is well applied to the very important decision whether or not to get married. Remember: This is pros and cons essay sample a sample from a fellow student.
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Should I Get Married: the Pros and Cons Category: FamilyLife Subcategory: Family RelationshipLove Topic: MarriageRelationship Pages: 2 Words: Published: 14 July Downloads: 73 Download Print. Get help with writing. Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you. Your time is important. Get essay help. Related Essays The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work: a Discussion Essay.
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Essay Writing part 2 pros \u0026 cons
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