Sexual Assault Essay. Satisfactory Essays. Words; 5 Pages; Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Defining Sexual Assault Sexual assault is a worldwide epidemic that has long lasting and devastating effects on the victims. The terms sexual abuse and sexual assault are often used interchangeably. Most often the term “sexual Rape and sexual violence is a very serious problem that affects millions of people each year. Rape is someone taking advantage of another person sexually. Sexual assault can be verbal, physical, visual, or anything that forces a person to join in unwanted sexual contact or attention. ("Sexual Assault.") Rape is one of the most underreported Mar 06, · Sexual Harassment and Assault Prevention SSG Newman, Matthew ALC Class 18 APR 16 Abstract The purpose of this essay is to discuss the grave issue of sexual assault and sexual harassment in the Army. It explains the steps I would take as a leader in the event of a sexual assault in my squad or platoon
Sexual Assault Essay Sample |
Assault Prosecution of Sexual Assault Cases Sexual assault remains a charge much embattled in our courts. Approaches to prosecuting in cases of sexual assault have been both inconsistent and generally ineffective as a true deterrent for repeat offenders. The articles evaluated here help to demonstrate that much of this difficulty is due to an inherent victim-blaming orientation within our courts. The article by Frohmann would be somewhat groundbreaking for the field of discourse. The examination of prosecutorial accounts for reasons rejecting certain cases is used to determine the motives that typically drive the rejection of sexual assault cases by the courts.
This article helps us to understand exactly why certain cases are never heard. The research design centers on reviewing these aforementioned prosecutorial accounts for evidence of sexual assault essays certain 'indigenous logic' that might imply prejudicial behavior in deciding upon cases. As further discussion will show, this design would be…, sexual assault essays.
Works Cited: Blumberg, A. The Practice of Law as a Confidence Game: Organizational Cooptation of a Profession. Law and Society Review, 1 2 Frohmann, L. Discrediting Victims' Allegations of Sexual Assault: Prosecutorial Accounts of Case Rejections.
Social Problems, sexual assault essays, 38 2 Spohn, sexual assault essays, C. Assault Case Rejection: Guarding the 'Gateway to Justice. Sexual Assault and Eye Witness Accounts Sexual assault is a difficult crime to prosecute. It relies heavily on eyewitness accounts and proof of sexual assault. ape kits are used to obtain physical evidence.
These rape kits, along with interviews with authorities and sometimes sexual assault essays psychological evaluation create stress and difficulties for the alleged victim.
In fact, sexual assault essays people who have been sexually assaulted, mostly women sexual assault essays without reporting the crime or have their cases dismissed because of lack of evidence or refusal to testify. Therefore it is important to understand what goes sexual assault essays sexual assault eye sexual assault essays accounts and how it psychologically impacts the victims who report it.
The psychological toll on a sexual assault victim is quote often too much for the victim to bare. Many go through long-term mental distress and even attempt to commit suicide or suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, sexual assault essays, or depression.
Sexual assault is…. References Bidrose, S. Testimony and evidence: a scientific case study of memory for child sexual abuse. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 14, CO; Lindholm, T. Gender effects in eyewitness accounts of a violent crime. At all times, sexual assault essays, the medical examiner needs to respect the sexual assault essays, and taken into account victim rights by appointing a victim advocate when necessary. The forensic medical examiners could be providing the prosecution with key evidence, a fact that should be communicated to the victim to alleviate sexual assault essays IACP, A victim advocate will also notify the victim of his or her rights in the case, advising the victim as to how to use legal counsel.
Sexual assault essays medical examination will often include drug testing, because the perpetrator might have illegally administered a drug to the victim and because alcohol or drugs might have been involved to facilitate the assault.
Law enforcement remains in continual contact with the victim during these early stages of the investigation, because it is up to the victim to determine whether or not to press charges IACP National Law Enforcement Policy Center, Because many….
References Government of New South Wales: Justice and Attorney General The investigation. Victims Services. html IACP National Law Enforcement Policy Center Investigating sexual assaults. Concepts and Issues Paper. pdf International Association of Chiefs of Police IACP Training Key Guidelines for sexual assault investigation. Sexual Assault on Universities and College Campuses Introduction to Sexual Assault Sexual assault refers to an involuntary sexual act where an individual is forced to engage in against his or her will Hoffman, As the world evolves and becomes more politically correct and more culturally sensitive, certain injustices that might have been swept under the rug in the past are now no longer tolerated, but brought to the light of day for judgment and justice.
Today, more stories of sexual assault are playing out at colleges and universities across the country forcing scores of students from different universities to go public by filing formal federal complaints Schwartz, Sexual assault continues to be a thing which occurs repeatedly on college campuses, sexual assault essays, phenomena which violate the very objective of these institutions for higher learning.
In order to better prevent sexual assault within the university setting, sexual assault essays, the world has quickly learned…. References Boggler, E. Frustrated by Columbia's inaction, student reports sexual assault to police. Retrieved from columbiaspectator. Sexual Assault on Campus: The Problem and the Solution. Lexington: Lexington Books. Cooper-White, M. Retrieved from huffingtonpost. html Dockterman, E. Students File Title IX Sexual Assault.
Retrieved from time. In most cases thus the violated woman soldier prefers to suffer silently and try to get over it as one of those things that happen in life. There is also the issue of military culture that demands that soldiers suffer in silence and never let their pain and suffering become an object of public pity that prevents from female soldiers from coming out of their closets and reporting the abuses and violations they have been subjected to.
This perhaps is the reason why Pentagon also admitted sexual assault essays almost eighty percent of sexual abuse and rape cases never get reported.
Parker, Kaye Whitley, director of the Pentagon's Sexual Assault Prevention and esponse Office, said her office had received 2, reports of sexual assault across the military in the twelve months ending Sept. This increase also included a rise in reports of sexual assault essays from the battlefields of Iraq and….
References Benedict, Helen Volume: Issue: 9. Burke, Carol Camp All American, Hanoi Jane and sexual assault essays High And Tight: Gender, Folklore and Changing Military Culture. Los Sexual assault essays Beacon Press. Fitzgerald, Mary Army: Mission Critical Gays. Issue: The self-defense classes should also contain advice on preventative measures, such as taking the campus bus whenever possible, rather than traveling alone by foot in high-risk areas at high-risk times like after dark.
Finally, sexual assault essays, these classes can also include sensitivity training exercises to create a sense of mutual responsibility for the safety of all students. The classes can enable the students to have a forum for discussion about sexual harassment issues, and about behaviors that may make them more vulnerable to attacks, sexual assault essays, such as drinking too much, which may let down the student's guard while they are walking home.
Although it should be stressed that no one deserves to be assaulted, sexual assault essays, given that such crimes are a fact of life, students should feel empowered, by taking responsibility into their own hands to exercise preventative and proactive strategies to mitigate the likelihood that they may be the subjects of such an…, sexual assault essays. Sexual Assault on College Campuses Erdely's article explores the phenomena of campus rape through the case study of a young woman by the name of Jackie, who was allegedly gang raped in Although the focus of the article is definitely onJackie and her own particular situation -- its ramifications and effects on her own personal life -- this tale is viewed within the wider context of a disturbing pattern of assault, violence, and sexual misconduct conducted against women at the University of Virginia.
This particular educational institution is under federal investigation for the violation of women's rights related to numerous allegations of rape, sexual misconduct and violence. Erdely's article explores multiple allegations, as well as the overarching culture surrounding this university and this insidious pattern.
Sexual assault essays of the more revealing facets about the article is the implication that the University system -- and perhaps even that of the surrounding…. References Erdely, S. A rape on campus: a brutal assault and struggle for justice at UVA.
Sexual Assault sexual assault essays the Military Sexual assault against women in the U. military is a problem that continues to be brought to the forefront. This is because there is a culture which encourages and allows it to occur. The result is that women are traumatized by these events and some will look for other opportunities elsewhere. This hurts the combat readiness of all units, sexual assault essays.
To address these issues, a zero tolerance policy needs to be implemented. This will change attitudes and it will lead to an increase in actions that are supporting the most core values. Over the course of time, this will improve professionalism and flexibility. On the modern day battlefield, these attributes are necessary for prevailing against an adversary who is using changing tactics and weapons. This is when the U. military can continue to maintain its dominance and serve a positive force for change.
Introduction The U. References Doubts of Military's Sexual Assault Stats. Washington Times.
Video Essay: Sexual Harassment/Assault Through the Decades
, time: 21:05Sexual Assault: Causes and Consequences Example | Graduateway
Mar 06, · Sexual Harassment and Assault Prevention SSG Newman, Matthew ALC Class 18 APR 16 Abstract The purpose of this essay is to discuss the grave issue of sexual assault and sexual harassment in the Army. It explains the steps I would take as a leader in the event of a sexual assault in my squad or platoon Jul 28, · In this essay I’m going to detail the role being victimized, also what the Army doing to deal with these issues, what can be done on a lower level to help aid in preventing this matter. “To be a victim of sexual assault it’s not only about being assault, It’s about the things that get sweep under the rug” said an anonymous rape victim/5(6) May 25, · Sexual Assault described in technical terms is defined as any sort of sexual activity between two or more people in which one of the people involved is involved against his or her will. (3) The description of “against his or her will” extends to varying degrees of aggression, ranging from indirect pressure to a direct physical blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins
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